Get Your AC Spring Cleaned, Inspected & Tuned Up With Comfort First!
There’s nothing like North Carolina in the springtime! After a cold, soggy winter, the warmer temperatures and blue skies of March are incredible! As you open up the windows, let the fresh air inside and start to do a little spring cleaning, don’t forget to get your air conditioning system spring cleaned and tuned-up, too! Now is the perfect time of year to have your system maintained before the heat of the summer sets in.
You may be wondering, is it even worth it for this service? Maybe your system is pretty new and it seems to run just fine even without annual service, or you have an old system that has never been tuned-up. Whether you have a newer system or an older system, a central AC or heat pump, or your system has needed repairs in the past or has yet to break down ever – a maintenance system tune-up is absolutely worth it! This service visit will help save you money and hassle down the road, all while keeping you and your family comfortably cool.
Runs Better Than Ever
One reason a spring tune-up is so essential for your AC is because it helps your unit to operate more effectively. When an HVAC technician cleans and spruces up your unit during an annual service, your system doesn’t have to work hindered under layers of dirt, dust or debris any longer. Its fans can run more smoothly, its condensate line can drain unobstructed and its outdoor system is cleared of all debris so it can export warm air from your house more easily than before.
In addition, during the service your HVAC technician will also check refrigerant levels, tighten up any loose connections and lubricate all moving parts. These actions, along with the thorough cleaning, allow your system to be completely ready to be turned on after a long winter break. And when it is turned on, it will run better, which means it will be able to keep you cool and comfortable all summer long.
Uses Less Energy
When an air conditioner is not working well, it will need to run in longer cycles to provide the cool air you need. When it has to work harder and run for longer, it has to use more energy, which translates into bigger power bills for you.
Did you know that your HVAC system can account for over half of your power bill? Your cooling system is typically the largest appliance in your home and accounts for the most energy used. You want this essential appliance to run at its most efficient in order to cut down on your energy usage.
Annual maintenance on your system can keep your unit running at its most efficient and effective, helping to keep your energy costs and consumption low even during North Carolina’s hottest weather. Saving money, using less energy, staying cool and helping the environment — a quadruple win!
Prevents Future Breaks
During an annual AC service, an HVAC technician will do a thorough inspection of your system to ensure there is nothing off or out of whack. They’ll run tests on the unit, do a complete visual inspection and make sure the thermostat is working properly.
Here at Comfort First, our technicians perform a 21-point inspection that covers every inch of your system from top to bottom. This service not only allows us to clean and maintain your unit, but also discover any problems that may be on the horizon for your system. And problems that can be found early on are much simpler and less expensive to repair than if they are left to fester over time. In addition, knowing what’s going on early and taking care of it in advance — versus having your system break down in the middle of summer — will save you much time and hassle.
Extends Your System’s Lifespan
Over time, major appliances in a home will eventually need to be replaced. However, with regular service, you can count on your HVAC to run better for longer. Annual tune-ups have been proven to extend the lifespan of your air conditioning system by as much as 50% so you won’t have to go through the process of replacing your unit anytime soon.
Comfort First For AC Maintenance
Here at Comfort First, we hope you consider turning to us to help get your air conditioning in tip-top shape before summer hits. We feel that this service is so essential and worth the investment that right now we are offering a special on our maintenance service:
Tune Up Your System For Only $59 – Now Through April 30
Ready to get started or have any questions? Our team is happy to help! Contact us at any of our locations and one of our knowledgeable technicians will be able to assist you.
Enjoy your spring, and a spring AC tune-up, with the help of Comfort First!